Drying Her Prayers

My amazing mum, Mildred, passed away on Thursday evening. I am so sad, and, in the midst of all the necessary bureaucratic acts, have been reflecting on my memories of her. She was my inspiration, an ex-State-Registered Nurse,then a Nursing Sister, bright, and even in her nineties, had a memory that put mine to shame….

A Throw of the Dice-and it’s still January

It’s the time of the year, isn’t it, when January seems an endless tunnel -wind, rain tunnel – of grey. We are not yet quite mid-way through and I find myself yearning for spring, just the early promise of it when the air begins to soften and you can smell the earth breathing-yes, I think…

Happy New Year and the resolutions are…

Happy New Year! I wish everyone a creative and safe 2015 and that your resolutions are full of, well, resolve. Mine on here are all poetry-based and the first is to write more posts on here. My blog statistics for 2014 tell me that I wrote one post all year! One post. I couldn’t quite…